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Why do the confessions take so long to come up? When is Ms701's confession going to be up? I thought it should have been up B4 the bloke today.
Why do the confessions take so long to come up? When is Ms701's confession going to be up? I thought it should have been up B4 the bloke today.
Hi Ferrett, are you sure you mean the Confessions? I know there has been a bit of an issue with the Overkills being slightly delayed each time, but I haven't noticed any problems with the Confessions so far.
"Today is the beginning of whatever comes next. Stop running, confront, and conquer!"
I'm a little confused? Confessions? Are you meaning the overkill (confessions extras)? Ms#701's confession did go up with her agony clip.
"Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand"
Yes i meant overkill sorry its up now
Pages: 1