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La petite mort. When alone and in the throes of passion, what sexual fantasy enhances the experience? Mine is part based on reality.
A neighbour's house had a bowl of fruit on the bedroom window ledge. One beautiful sunny morning, I opened the curtains to see the student living oposite reach round her closed curtain to pick up a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl, her naked breasts clearly exposed, she saw me and smiled. The fantasy part is that we met up and made love.
Written down it seems much less erotic than it does, when played out in my head.
The same pattern here. Little events that lead to nothing but in my fantasy I imagine all the things that could have happened. I almost always fantasise about real events or people I met, hardly ever about celebrities or situations I've never been in.
The same pattern here. Little events that lead to nothing but in my fantasy I imagine all the things that could have happened. I almost always fantasise about real events or people I met, hardly ever about celebrities or situations I've never been in.
For me too: my most powerful erotic fantasies are about people I knew and might have made love with, if circumstances had been a little different.
So true!
My favorite fantasy is about an ex-girlfriend from way back. We broke up one evening 20 years ago. The decision was mine, and I think it was right. I have never met her since, but she is probably happily married with several children.
I often replay that scene in my head instead fantasizing that we made up and made love. I do not know why I do it, but the fantasy works for me .
Do any of the agonies want to say what their fantasy is, while they agonise?
I believe most of the agonees on BA have fulfilled their fantasy already just by showing up in their video. They don't say too much about that even though we ask for it. In rare occasion (like Ruby and LagoNY and some agonees speaking in Overkill section) when they speak about why they did it, they generally mention that it is cool or they want to participate to a nice project like BA. But we still ignore their deep motivation and I think one of their motivation is their fantasy to be seen masturbating and reaching an orgasm in front of the whole world via internet. Remember everybody will have his 10 minutes of glory!
I think one of their motivation is their fantasy to be seen masturbating and reaching an orgasm in front of the whole world via internet.
And even if it isn't their regular fantasy, it sureley must be a great rush for them.
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